Michael Monkey & Picky Eating on Thanksgiving: A Social Story

Michael, a monkey with Asperger's, talks about how to change a few recipes in order to make Thanksgiving dinner less yucky:

Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Michael Monkey

Ginger & Personal Hygiene: A Social Story for Aspergers Kids

In this social story for children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism, Ginger talks about brushing teeth and taking showers. She used to hate to brush her teeth and take a bath, but now she really likes to keep her teeth and body clean!  See what she has to say:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

The Aspergers Gang Performs "Stuffed Toy Rap"

These stuffed toys (who enjoy having Aspergers) do a really cool rap song. Yes, even some stuffed toys have Aspergers ...don't look so surprised! 

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

We Are Dogs With Aspergers

It's true that "all cats have Aspergers," but did you know that some dogs have it too?  :)

Aspergers dogs do a canine rap (fun song for children on the spectrum):


Lyrics to “We Are Dogs With Aspergers”:

We are dogs with Aspergers
And we really are high achievers
So you know we are born leaders
Give us time, and we’ll make you believe us

When we get older and wiser
We just might be an analyzer
Or possibly an autobiographer
Maybe a dentist or a doctor

We are dogs with Aspergers
And we really are high achievers
So you know we are born leaders
Give us time, and we’ll make you believe us

We are smarter than others
Even our sisters and brothers
We’re going to the top
So either help us or get out of our way

We are dogs with Aspergers
And we really are high achievers
So you know we are born leaders
Give us time, and we’ll make you believe us

We are dogs with Aspergers
And we really are high achievers
So you know we are born leaders
Give us time, and we’ll make you believe us

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Jeremiah Gets a Toothache: A Social Story for Children with Autism

Jeremiah, a boy with Autism, talks about getting a toothache and going to the dentist. If your child has a fear of going to the dentist to get a cavity worked on, then have him/her watch this: 

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Five Ways To Deal With Anxiety: A Social Story

Social story for teens with Aspergers...

Harrison, a young man with Aspergers, talks about what he does to reduce his stress:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Tomcat's Social Story About Saying "I'm Sorry"

This is a social story for children with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism about saying "I'm sorry" whenever you hurt someone's feelings:


==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Roby's Social Story About Staying Calm

Social story for children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism -- "Roby the Robot" talks about how he stays calm. He also wants to know what YOU do to stay calm (use the comments link below the video to tell Roby what calms you down).


==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

A Social Story: What's the Difference Between Good Touch and Bad Touch?

This video helps children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism to understand when they are being sexually abused by others -- and when they are not:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Aspergers Son Interviews His Mother

Joshua, a boy with Aspergers, interviews his mom. Joshua's questions - and his mom's loving answers - reveal a wonderful relationship that reminds us of the best parts of being a parent of an Aspergers child:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

HFA Teen Talks About "Anxiety-Reduction"

Social Story for Teens with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's

Daniel, a teenager with High-Functioning Autism, talks about how he reduces his anxiety symptoms:

Daniel's technique for reducing stress: 

To reduce my anxiety, I set aside a period of about 20 minutes each day to devote to relaxation. I remove distractions as much as possible. For example, I turn off the sound on my computer and the ringer on my cell phone.

During the 20-minute period, I remain as still as you can. I focus my thoughts on the immediate moment, and eliminate any outside thoughts that compete for my attention. I try to notice which parts of my body feel relaxed, and which feel tense.

As I go through these steps, I try to imagine that every muscle in my body is becoming relaxed and free of tension. I picture all the muscles in my body beginning to go loose and limp.

I concentrate on making my breathing slow and even. Each time I exhale, I picture my muscles becoming even more relaxed, as if with each breath, I breathe the tension away.

At the end of 20 minutes, I take a few moments to focus on the feelings and sensations I have been able to achieve. I notice whether areas that felt tense now feel looser, and whether any areas of tightness remain.

Some people find that repeating a word or phrase, or singing, praying, or focusing their vision on an object or flickering light source (like a candle or fireplace) helps them achieve a more relaxed state of mind.

If you try this relaxation technique I just described, don't be surprised if the relaxed feeling begins to fade once you get up and return to your normal activities. However, many Aspergers teens find that after just a few weeks of daily, consistent practice, they are able to maintain the relaxed feeling beyond the practice session.

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Little Aspie Girl Tells Her Story

You seem like a very brave girl. Always remember that your Aspergers is part of who you are, and, as you said, it makes you unique. You are probably able to see the world in a different way than most people, and this is a gift. If Maria is a good friend, it shouldn't matter to her whether or not you have been diagnosed with Aspergers because she likes you anyway. :)


==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Inside Out: My Life With Asperger Syndrome

This hilarious dude struggled with undiagnosed autism for nearly 25 years. His diagnosis has enabled him to embrace his individuality and move forward. Watch this funny take on Aspergers traits:


Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management


Rex, a child with Autism, (seen here skydiving with his father) created this music video entitled "Skydiver." Though technically not a social story, this video celebrates our kids talents (and in some cases, pure genius).

Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

A Social Story: How To Lose At Games Without Getting Mad

Learning to lose gracefully: A social story for children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism...


==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

In the video above, Scott talks about
how to lose without getting mad...

"Reading Facial Cues": Social Skills Training for Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

"Social-skills training" video to help Autistic children with "expression recognition" and non-verbal communication: 

What is this person feeling?

Click here for the printable hand-out that accompanies this social-skills training video...

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Avoiding Germs: A Social Story for Children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

This is a social story about personal hygiene:


These are the instructions on how to wash your hands:

Step 1. Wet your hands
Step 2. Soap your hands
Step 3. Wash very well
Step 4. Rinse your hands
Step 5. Use the paper towel

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Suggest A Social Story

Assuming you know what a social story is - and it's benefits, is there an issue you are having with a child or teen with High-Functioning Autism (Aspergers) that you would like to have a social story about? For example, does your child have a meltdown in the morning as he is being rushed to get ready for school ...or does your teenager have a particular social-skills deficit?

If you've typed a keyword or keyword phrase in the search box above, but do not see an existing social story that addresses your issue, then please feel free to suggest a social story using the comments link below. We can usually have a social story, based on your suggestion, uploaded and ready for viewing within 5-7 days (so check back).

Use the comments link below to suggest a social story...

Too Much Time Playing Video Games: A Social Story

A social story for children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism about spending too much time on the computer and video games:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

Dealing with Gangs: A Social Story for Children with Aspergers and Autism

One day Rebecca's teacher found her sitting alone at lunch, looking sad and upset. She could barely bite the peanut butter sandwich that she usually couldn't wait to eat. "What's the matter, Rebecca?" the teacher asked.

Later that afternoon, Jacob was standing alone by the basketball court after school. Jacob's dad asked him why he didn't go play with Marvin and Willie, who were shooting hoops. He told his dad he just didn't feel like it, so they walked home.

But the truth was, Jacob and Rebecca were facing the same problem: They both felt left out, and their feelings were hurt.

Rebecca was so sad that she didn't want to eat, and Jacob was so mad that when he got home he slammed his bedroom door. Children who were their friends yesterday weren't their friends today. What happened?

What Are Gangs?

Gangs are groups of friends, but not all groups of friends are gangs. The thing that makes a group a gang is that they leave some children out on purpose. Usually one or two popular children control who gets to be in the gang and who gets left out. Children may act much differently than they did before they were part of the gang. They may even act differently today from how they were yesterday. It can be really confusing.

Everyone feels left out by friends once in a while. Friends are people just like us — they make mistakes and usually we can forgive them (after all, we make mistakes too!). Sometimes friends fight and make up again.

But sometimes children form groups that they won't let other children belong to. A gang is a group of children who hang out together and won't let others join in. Sometimes children in the gang are mean to other children who they think are on the outside.

Children might form gangs in elementary school or in middle school. Sometimes gangs are made of children who share an interest in something, like sports or computer games or music. Sometimes the children in them want to be popular or want to belong. They might say you can only join in if you wear certain clothes, or they might make you feel bad if your mom or dad can't afford the same stuff they can.

Both males and females have gangs, though people who study these groups say female gangs may be more common. Female gangs are often meaner and more hurtful in the way they treat females who aren't in the group.

Do You Feel Left Out?

If you are on the outside of a gang, it can make you frustrated and confused. Maybe someone who was your best friend last week was mean to you and wouldn't sit with you at lunch. It can make you feel like crying or just feel really angry or sad. You might feel lonely at lunch or after school – or even afraid if you feel that someone might pick on you or fight with you. You might be frustrated or upset because you don't know what to do. You might feel hurt because of the ways other children keep you out.

Why Do Other Children Join Gangs?

One of the hard things about gangs is if a person who was your friend joins one and starts treating you differently. Sometimes, the problem starts with an argument between the two of you. But other times you can find yourself on the outside of a gang even if nothing happened.

Sometimes you get left out because you look, act, or dress differently from the other children, or just because you're the "new student" in class. Children who get into gangs usually want to be popular and feel cool. Sometimes children think that belonging to a gang will keep them from feeling left out. Some children feel more powerful when they're mean to other people (like bullies).

Children in gangs sometimes act differently than they would outside the group. They often go along with what the others are doing, even if they know it's not right — even if it means leaving out a friend.

Some children might even feel bad about the way they treat other children, but they can't figure out how to be cool and still be nice to the person who's not in the gang. This is no excuse, though. Plenty of children manage to be nice to everyone — children in and outside their closest group of friends — without being part of a gang.

What Can You Do?

1. Some children feel they should try to change themselves — and that's OK. Maybe you want to get healthy and fit or learn to smile more and be less cranky — it's great to work on yourself, but do it for you, not for anyone else. If some children are mean to you because they think you don't fit in, don't let them make decisions about the kind of boy or girl you are going to be. Decide for yourself, and then get help to reach your goals. Ask a cool cousin or friend to help you revamp your wardrobe or get a new haircut. But only change yourself if it's something you want to do.

2. If you find yourself left out of a certain group, focus on other friends. Hang out with children who aren't part of a gang. Sometimes this means finding older or younger children to hang out with, or making friends outside school. Sometimes it means being open to children who look or act differently than you do.

3. If you're on the outside of a gang and you want to be friends with someone who's in it, invite that person to do something with you. It might help if you can see your friend away from the other gang members. Maybe your mom or dad could arrange to have that friend visit at your house on the weekend. By spending time together, he or she might start realizing how silly it is not to hang out more often. But also be prepared for possible disappointment. Even if you have a great time together, your friend might still slip back into the gang when you're all back at school.

4. The most popular and well-liked children are the ones who are friendly to everyone. Do your best to let everyone feel welcome to talk to you. Look for chances to meet, talk with, and play with plenty of different children. Is someone sitting alone at lunch? Why not ask her to sit at your table? Or maybe you noticed the boy or girl standing outside the fence while you're playing basketball. It's time to invite him onto the court. Who knows — maybe the two of you will really click (which means to get along really well). Now that's a much better kind of click!

5. If your group of friends has suddenly turned into a gang, speak up. It's OK to say that you want to invite others to hang out with you, too. Be prepared for the fact that the gang might go on without you. On the other hand, others might follow your lead and stop acting so gang-y. Most schools have counselors and policies to help gangs from getting out of hand — maybe you could become an advocate or write about it in the school paper.

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