Assuming you know what a social story is - and it's benefits, is there an issue you are having with a child or teen with High-Functi...
A Girl With Asperger's: Social Story Accepting "No" for an Answer Accepting Others: Social Story for Kids with As...
Social story for kids on the spectrum on how to accept "no" for an answer... Resources for parents of children and teens on th...
How to introduce yourself and make friends: ==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management
Tom has Separation Anxiety Disorder: ==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management
A social story about changes in school schedules. Shows different strategies for staying calm. Resources for parents of children a...
It's nice to have a friend... Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management
I'm your student with high functioning autism, which used to be called aspergers syndrome. As my teacher, I have 5 things that I woul...
A social story for kids on the autism spectrum: Albert, a boy with Asperger's (also called high functioning autism) explains what a &...
Thank you for sharing. My 10 year old has aspergers and I hope that he can get to this point where he's understanding what to do before the melt down. Thanks again.
Thank you! I have suspected that my son (10 years old) has high functioning autism (Asperger) and I have been spending a lot of my time reading and trying to understand my son and more about autism and Asperger Syndrome. It is overwhelming but it is something that is important to me for my son and my family. The social stories have been helpful. As I listen to them I have various emotions from crying to cheering for how wonderful these kids are. My son has various disabilities along with Asperger Syndrome from stuttering, LD in language development, sensitivity issues, OCD, anxiety, depression, among other disabilities. Even though my son struggles with this he has an IQ of 102, his multiple intelligence strength is in math, spatial ability and logical/analytical. He is a natural at running. He is a fast runner and almost out run a college running back (he showed his talent at with a couple of the college football camps). He loves soccer and is on the Academy team. He can build immaculate buildings, vehicles, and structures with Legos. As a parent who is new to this I am lost on finding support and help on how to deal with all this, but the social stories have helped and I thank you.
Michelle SJ (Sioux Falls, SD)
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